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LlaneroSolitario's Lear45 Project Thread

(Original thread started on 11-22-14 by Kevin L.)

I decided to open a Facebook site for updates about my project. After getting permission from the authors, now the site has a couple of photographs that are my inspiration.


If anyone wants to follow, here it is the link:


Ron, Eric... Could I publish Hangar 45 as the home of the LJ45 cockpit builder and both of you as the intellectual owners of what I'm trying to build at home?


UPDATE:  I did not update this thread until now. Many things happened in between and the first parts are giving me great satisfaction and motivation. Here you can see a little video time lapse of the MIP Support Tower being CNC milled:


Hope you like it!


(Posted by Ron Rollo on 02-14-15)

Man that would be a great tool to have. At my workshop I am the CNC! Very cool and thank yo for sharing this video with us.