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Learjet45 in FS2020 Solutions

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Hi Roel,

I agree!  We need to support them and let them know we are here and anxiously awaiting the release of this product.

I have actually been doing some "lite" research on Just Flight and the "Professional" line of aircrafts they have available so far.  Conclusion: We could not asked for more based on what I am learning.

So far they have three aircrafts complete in the "Professional" series and all of them are rated very high within MSFS2020, ranging from 4.6 to 4.9.  The prices for these aircrafts are also high at $69.99, compared to nearly everything else within the MSFS Market Place but that is for good reason.  Their "Professional" line is "Study Level" which means all the systems and subsystems are modeled in great detail which is exactly what we want!

As of right now, the price of the Just Flight RJ and 146 are around $70.  Actually, the only option more expensive within MSFS Market Place that I could easily find was PMDG Simulations  777-300 ER  at $74.99.  So I would expect the price for the Lear45 Professional to also be set at $70, maybe a little less.

I also did a search for "Study" and "Study Level" aircraft.  Only three options that popped up in MSFS Market Place were the current options Just Flight offers.  For the record, a VFR package and a Liveries package also popped up.  I am sure there are other "Study Level" aircraft, like the 777-300 mentioned above, but these are the only ones I could find during a simple search.

The point is, I believe the long wait we have had to endure is going to pay off BIG time for us all.  If the Lear45 Professional aircraft is going to be anything like the other examples Just Flight has already developed, we are going to have a completely BAD ASS sim.

Think of it like this, is there a better time than now to develop an aircraft like this?  The developers will be able to take everything they learned over the past 15 years and apply it to this completely new Lear45 for both MSFS2020 and MSFS2024.  (Yes, it will be compatible with both sims)

Just Flight has been around since 1995 and has become one of the leaders in deep systems aircraft modeling.  We could not be in a better position than we are right now!  However, I suspect that development may take a little while which you would expect with projects this deep and complex.

As an example, they have been working on a 757-200/300 project since April 2023.  And an equally or even more complex aircraft, the A300B4 since December 2023.  These are monster projects and it sounds like they are making serious progress but still have a ways to go until they are released.

The good news here is the Lear45 is no where near as complex as either of these two examples.  The question is, does the Lear45 go to the back of the development line or do they work on several projects at the same time?

We can afford to wait for the best product possible.  After all, we have no choice.  It's just incredibly relieving that the Lear45 and even the Lear75 seem to have suddenly popped up on developers radars.  Because of this recent announcement, don't be surprised if you see a couple lesser known developers put together a couple Lear40/45 packages but without all the deep systems modeling.


Fantastic news for us all, especially to Ron and Jason for sticking to their guns and pushing the LJ45 development from our side.

I saw this also announced elsewhere in case anyone hasn't seen it.

Just Flight brings back a classic: the Learjet 45 for Microsoft Flight Simulator

Off to buy champagne.

Back to the Hangar for more testing !


Mark S.

Ron Rollo and Coops have reacted to this post.
Ron RolloCoops

Thanks Mark!

If there was ever an appropriate time to celebrate, this would be the time.  In one swoop, this product will address nearly all of our outstanding issues.

I am very excited about this news as we all should be.  This has been a long time coming and actually, we are in a very good position to get ahead and ready for the release of this product.  In the meantime, we just need to keep building, testing and writing code.

So far no additional news from Just Flight, I would not expect any "just" yet.  I do recommend taking a few seconds and signing up for their News Letter HERE

(Hey, I just made my 500th post according to the post counting department here at the Hangar!) 🙂

Mark Speechley has reacted to this post.
Mark Speechley

How long have we been waiting for a study level Lear . . . ?  Awesome to see Just Flight take on the Lear 45!  This is great news and I'm very happy not only for us Lear builders but also Jason for his work developing the JET45 software and Ron bringing about all the hardware and shell components. Both of these guys have put a lot of hard work and "long term" effort into this project!  Thanks for sticking with this project guys!

Ron Rollo and Mark Speechley have reacted to this post.
Ron RolloMark Speechley

Hey guys!

As promised, as soon as I discover any news about the Just Flight Lear45 Professional in development, I will pass it along.

Just Flight just posted a year end round up news letter.  I am very happy to report that apparently the enthusiasm over the the news was "met with much excitement"

We will take that!  Thanks to all of you for helping to let Just Flight know they have our support with this project.

Here is a snip from the news letter relevant to us:

Part Five - "This was our concluding update and offered the big reveal in terms of announcing that our L45 Professional was now in development. Fair to say the news was met with much excitement.  Here's a bonus screenshot below and to read the details again you can head to the news article" HERE

Another update as soon as it comes about.  2025 will be an exciting year for us!

Happy New Year everyone!

This just in!

Just Flight has started their development page for the LJ45 Professional.  Check it out HERE

I am very happy and excited with everything I am reading so far, too many things to list as a matter of fact.  But I can't help but to mention a few things that I find VERY exciting!

First, Dynamic wing, T-tail and engine flex animations.  This has been around in flight sim for a while now but we have never seen it applied to the Lear45.  Super cool feature!

Second, they are modeling authentic gauges, navigational equipment, including the Primus 1000 EFIS avionics system and the UNS-1 FMS.  Additionally, they are modeling lateral and vertical navigation in the autopilot.

Last point I wanted to touch on, "support for hardware".  Their statement reads, "Support for numerous control assignments for compatibility with controllers and hardware."

I don't know how far this statement goes.  Support for out of the box joysticks or for something more like what we are doing?  I don't think it would take much work to create an offset assignment for everything they are modeling.  I will do some looking into their other "Professional" aircraft they have released to see if there are any clues as what we should expect.

Here are a few screen shots of the cockpit under development.

This one blows me away.  Whoever is doing the 3D modeling has an attention to detail that is at a level rarely seen.  Take a look at the Chromoxlux389 switches and the guards that cover them.  Even the tiny detents in the sides of the switches are modeled.

(Right click on any photos to blow up to full size)

And another screenshot of the Center Pedestal under construction.  Again, take note of things like the set screw hole in the side of the Rudder Trim knob and the locking gates on the Honeywell toggles.  Just Flight will also be adding "wear and tear" to their modeling to give it an even more realistic look.

These are tiny details rarely noticed by even real world pilots.  But what's exciting about this is if they are taking the time to model these insignificant details, then you know they are capturing everything else.

Again, take a few minutes to read over their FULL development update HERE

I think you will be impressed!

HunkaBurninLove and Mark Speechley have reacted to this post.
HunkaBurninLoveMark Speechley

I had a little time to do some research on the Just Flight 146 Professional and the RJ Professional aircrafts that are very similar to one another and currently available.  These aircraft are the closest examples we can look at to get an idea of what to expect with their LJ45 Professional currently under development.  (The F28 professional is also a good example to take a look at.)

I skimmed through the 146 Professional users manual and my takeaway is that they went DEEP into the systems/modeling, deeper than we would have ask for!  I am not saying they covered everything because after all, we know the 146 line of aircraft like we do the LJ45, but everything I was curious about if they modeled was covered.

As an example, they have a working weather radar.  It's dated as to be expected because of the aircraft it is in, but this means we should expect to see a working version of WX radar in the LJ45 also.  All the WX radar controls work as well: GAIN, TILT, STBY, RANGE, etc....    (See page 133 of the users manual)

In all, the 146 Professional users manual is 260 pages long and covers EVERYTHING.  (The RJ Professional users manual is even longer)  Skim through it for yourself to get an idea of what to expect with their up and coming LJ45 Professional release.

You can find the 146 Professional Users Manual HERE

The biggest question we needed answered was if they support hardware offsets for full scale cockpit builders like us.  The answer is YES!  (See page 259, second to the last page of the users manual)

"Home cockpit users (that's us) who require the use of LVARs (local variables) to set up external hardware can find a complete list of LVARs used in the simulator by enabling Developer mode, then on the bar at the top of the screen navigate to: Windows > Behaviours > Local Variables."

This tells me we will be able to tap into everything they are creating via local variables which will make Jason's job much easier.  As promising as the LJ45 Professional product sounds like it is going to be, we still need to interface all our hardware back to the sim and that's where Jet45 comes into play.

Additionally,  there will most likely be several areas where only Jet45 can handle "special functions", as an example dual FMS capabilities and or changing the flight plan on the go.  (Only time will tell if Just Flight models things like this as well.)  Our goal is to make the set up process as easy as possible for builders and to insure features important to all our builders are available and this can only be achieved with the Jet45 software.

Have I said already it looks like we are going to have a heck of a bad @$$ flight simulator?

More updates as they become available!

Mark Speechley and Will_S have reacted to this post.
Mark SpeechleyWill_S

Just saw this  video

Something different for folks with VR headsets

Aerofly FS4

Activate controls, buttons, knobs, and levers all within VR using the hand controllers. All that seems missing is the tactile feeling of the control itself.

It comes with a Learjet 45 out of the box.

Anybody with VR want to give it a try?


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Ron RolloMark Speechley
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