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Learjet45 in FS2020 Solutions

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On August 18th 2020 the highly anticipated FS2020 was released!  As of this date, it has been a bit of a bumpy ride but if you are able to see past it's short term imperfections, it is clear this is the Flight Simulator of the future.  Find more information about Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 HERE

If you are a member of the Hangar45 community, it is safe to say that you have noticed there is not a default Lear45 among the short list of aircraft to choose from.  (Additionally, there has never been a third party Lear45 developed for either FSX or P3D.)  But that okay, we would expect the developers of the new FS2020 to concentrate initially on a small number of aircraft to get things kicked off.  With that said, even if they had a default Lear45 XR as an option, it would most likely have short falls just like the other default aircraft.

Thankfully MSFS has created an import tool that enables us to import our favorite FSX/P3D aircrafts into the new FS2020 which is still a work in progress with no less than 13 updates and the last being on December 9th 2020.  Take a look at the update log for a long list of fixes and features added:

  •   FSX to MSFS2020 PlaneImporter V. click HERE


If you have had a high degree of success importing your FSX/P3D Lear45 model over into FS2020, please share your findings and results in this thread.  To date, it appears that importing the FSX/P3D Lear45 into FS2020 is very achievable!  Take a look at these two screen shoots!


However, there are several issues that we have identified and have not found viable solutions for yet.  This thread is going to serve two purposes, first, to identify import issues and second, to document solutions to those issues.

Here is our short list so far:

  • Able to import aircraft visual model which does include the VC. Instruments do not load
  • Autopilot does not appear to be working (may be because of instrument issue above)
  • Lights are not placed correctly on the aircraft and need to be relocated to the model
  • Engine does not go below 50% N1 at Idle
  • Spoilers don’t extend fully
  • Aircraft requires nearly full trim nose down to fly level


If you have found and identified any issues and or discovered solutions for any issues previously posted, please document your findings here.  Also, please keep your identified issues and solutions specific to the Lear45 aircraft so that we can better streamline this thread!  Hopefully with everyone working on these issues we will have a viable Lear45 FS2020 model in no time flat!

Merry Christmas by the way!

Merry Christmas, Ron

I remember reading somewhere, can't remember where, that vc models are contained in a model folder, not in the individual aircraft object file. Also, if the autopilot gauge is not .xml, it may not convert.

I discovered the camera option in the latest FS2020 build called "Home Cockpit Mode"
It does not do anything...yet..
But this is promissing about Asobo developing an outside view option!!

So far, all of my research suggest that if we are ever going to see a Lear45 in the new FS2020 it is most likely going to be up to one of us or a combination of several of us to make this happen.

The "porting over" option looks to be a temporary bridge to pacify guys that have a favorite aircraft to fly (guys like us), but there are several issues. First, every time MSFS updates, the ported over aircrafts get lost or deleted. The other issue is the porting over process is not perfect. It has engine issues, 2D cockpit views are messed up just to name a few.

Our long term solution to flying a Lear45 in the new FS2020 sim is to start from scratch and develop it within the SDK. Have you had a chance to play around with the SDK side of the new sim yet? I have not, but understand that there are many examples and tutorials.

I've been flying the CJ4 business jet in MSFS 2020, and have interfaced some of the panel controls from Lear45 into MSFS 2020.  For an example, the "Landing Gear" works in the sim, as well as some of the other switches.  Has anyone else noticed this?

I have not had a chance to use FS2020 with a desktop computer yet, only some lite Xbox use so far.  I have been super busy making parts and interface modules for the upcoming Lear45 v2.0 and Jet45 v2.0

We believe most of the basic controls will be very easy to interface in the CJ4 like you have already discovered.  Between what is already possible right off the bat and what the Jet45 AAS/Systems software that Jason is working on will do for us, this will get us about 95% of the way there.

A few things that I can think of that the CJ4 does not have (correct me if I am wrong) is an APU and thrust reversers.  Those are two big things that will be missed if we can't get them working in a CJ4 model.  I am not sure how difficult it would be to "steal' these items from another airframe and transplant them into a hybrid version of the CJ4 and then renamed a Lear45 model.

Unfortunately all the work I have done within this part of the sim is in theory only......lately.  I think one of my 2022 goals is to dive straight into the FS2020 SDK to see for myself what is possible.  No doubt we need a fully functional Lear45 model.  It is 100% possible, we just have to find the easiest solution forward that we will all be happy with.

Yes, actually the CJ4 is very similar to the Lear45, even the glare shield.  But to answer your question, you're right there's no APU from what I can gather.

Hey guys,

Just wanted to "bump" this thread to see if anyone here has any new information as to how we will be able to fly our beloved Lear45 in FS2020.  Actually, the question might be, "How to fly the Lear45 in the new FS2024."  It's coming fast!

Jason and I both agree that if we had a magic wand, it would be to have either a stock Lear45 that comes with FS2020/FS2024 or a professionally developed payware add-on Lear45.  So far, neither of these options have materialized.

We can all agree the visuals within FS2020 (and we can assume the future FS2024) are absolutely stunning and anyone new coming into this hobby and looking to also model the Lear45 will be disappointed to learn that flying our Lear45 project in FS2020 is not possible.  One way or the other we have to find a path to make this happen!


Here are our options in order of most favorable to least favorable:

  • Option #1: A stock version of the Lear45 is included in the new upcoming FS2024!
  • Option #2: A company develops a professional Lear45 add-on for FS2020/FS2024.
  • Option #3: One of us develops a Lear45 model based on the default CJ4 within FS2020.
  • Option #4: "Hybrid"  P3D to model the Lear45 and FS2020 to model the outside world.


The first two options we have little to no control over.   (Fingers crossed and wishes aren't working)  The next two options we certainly do have control over!

Option #3, developing our own version of a Lear45 based on the default CJ4, there are a couple tutorial series out there on YouTube that can help get us started.  Most notably the ones by Jonx Simulations.  I have already watched a couple of his videos, the process is a little more en depth than I was hoping for, but it is all possible if we put our mind(s) to it.  It's just another learning curve to get over.


Option #4, we go "hybrid" using P3D to model the Lear45 and FS2020 to model the outside world visuals.  The Lear45 in P3D works perfectly, easy to say when there is really nothing else to compare it to.  The visuals look good but not without several addons and performance hits.

While on the other hand, the outside world visuals in FS2020 are second to none.  But there is no Lear45 model to choose as of this date.  Additionally, some folks report that there are still problems trying to connect deep layer hardware peripherals.

What if we could combine the best of both worlds into one Frankenstein creation?  Turns out we can.  Check out this thread HERE

Written by DJW3592:

I have managed to get it happening! 

I've got P3Dv5.3 receiving and handling all the inputs from my buttons, switches, levers, encoders, rudders and the dual yokes for my Corenado Beech Baron B58TC.  Meanwhile FS2020 outputs very enjoyable quality scenery to my 3 data projectors.  All on the one PC done through the third party app called WidevieW.

No LAN involved - so no lag evident.  In my test flight this evening I was impressed how steady the system was. Really smooth.  Did a circuit and landing at my home town, Napier then off South, passing over my own house, to Wellington for an ILS approach.  Never flickered or snatched for a moment in the 1.25 hours of flight.  Exactly what I hoped for.

All the graphics settings in P3D are zero.  Only the main view is open in a little monitor off to the side (to facilitate access to the menu options), along with the ATC window; and the GNS530 going in the little LCD.  FS2020 has all the resources available (a humble RTX2070-S and 48GB RAM) to display the scenery through the data projectors.

I will call it my “Hybrid Sim”

I know this is not our first option but this sounds like it could work.  And if we can confirm that it is possible to run two sim engines on the same computer?  Sounds crazy but if this works as good as this guy says it does, it might be a viable option.  Robert Prather is actually working on this hybrid solution with his 777 sim.

Our 5th option is to postpone the Lear45 in FS2020/2024 a little longer and  go with what we know works and that is using the latest version of P3D.  We know the Lear45 works great in this sim and the visuals are not bad if all the required addons are installed.  It's just a matter of time before one of us or someone develops a Lear45 for FS2020/2024.

I will continue to do some evening hour research on this subject.  If anyone has any thoughts or ideas, please share!

Hi Ron,

There may be an easier solution, especially if you're using multiple PCs.

WidevieW states it can interface multiple flight Sims. It would be fairly easy to run a separate PC with FS2020 for the outside world. Hard to have an external view.

I use FS2020 on 2 PCs to save FPS on the main server. Works very very well and some of the payware airports are astounding (live near and fly out of Myrtle Beach, SC).

Also, you all invested much in your hardware, software and effort. How much is it worth to contact a payware FS2020 developer to jointly invest in and create a Lear45 for FS2020.

Depends how much you can demonstrate a market. You and Jason have invested much and can judge the investment and effort.

PS - Developing in MSFS is difficult but could be easily done with the latest P3D and scenery in MSFS. There is no match for its scenery, weather and traffic.

Hey Dave,

Thanks for your response!  Yes, I have heard that we could either run each sim on it's own computer or both sims on the same computer.  You can read about some of those thoughts and ideas HERE

Myself,  Shane and maybe others have actually done this already (running two sims at the same time) if you count using Foreflight running on an iPad in the sim.  It's the same principle.

I was so amazed at this that I said on several occasions, "Foreflight is like a sim within a sim".  The Foreflight program taps into the P3D simulation via networking, gathering flight data, (speed, altitude, precise location, etc...) and displays it in real time with frame rate better than what P3D was capable of.  Just imagine if instead of Foreflight, we were talking about display the outside visuals via FS2020!

See photos.


And yes, back in Aug 2021, I actually did reach out to Evan Reiter, the Co-Founder of Flight Simulation Association.  In turn, he reached out to a FS2020 developer on my behalf and wrote this:

FYI, I heard back from one of the developers who suggested their price for a full-scope model and systems is upwards of $100,000.  I imagine that’s a little outside of the budget, but if not, let me know and I can connect you.


So yes, we could have a professional development team build us a Lear45 model for FS2020, but at this point, I don't think any of us are ready to spend this kind of money.  We would first need to exhaust all other options before seriously considering an option like this.

The thing that would worry me the most is we spend a small fortune on a Lear45 model for FS2020 and it doesn't solve all our problems.  So many folks are complaining about the flight characteristics of their favorite aircraft in FS2020.  This may be something we can live with or at least adjust in the aircraft configuration file.  But if not, it would be a big mistake spending this kind of cash for something we are not 100% happy with.

I think before we consider this option, we would first need to see that MSFS2020/2024 has developed  better flight modeling characteristics, at least to the point that folks are no longer complaining about it.

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