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Jeff Peters L45-020 Build Thread

(Original thread started on 02-08-15 by Jeff Peters)

Hi All, this is just the first of what I hope to be many pictures chronicling my journey. I'm thinking for this first pic the caption should be ...OHBOY OHBOY OHBOY OHBOY!!!!

Jeffp 1


(Posted by Mark Speechley on 02-08-15)

Hi Jeff, welcome to the Hangar. You really have made the right decision with the Lear. The Lear ensures you are fast, access to more runways and a build community that I believe is second to none. Eric and Ron are national treasures with the rest of us chiming in when they need backup ( or rebooting ? ). One thing I will tell you though is that the build will not be quick. I have been at mine for 4 years so be patient and take your time. You will change some things along the way and hence always be on the lookout for bargains on eBay etc.


Looking forward to the pictures of your build.


(Posted by Ron Rollo on 02-09-15)

Hey Jeff, looks like you have a nice clean start to your project with a great place to get the work done. Space is one of the keys to a project like this. Too many times I have heard a guy barely has room for a MIP, let alone a shell and then the visual system with a motion system to boot!


(Posted by Randy Buchanan on 02-10-15)

Nice job Jeff. What fun. You probably stand around and look at it and say that is just so cool. We did and do. The wife not so much. Yeah Mark the only reason it took you that long was because you move the thing all over Australia. Just kidding how are you doing? Thanks for showing us your build Jeff and good luck to you.