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Folding Cup Holders for our Lear45 Sims

(Original thread started on 06-25-17 by Ron Rollo)

I found a little gem hidden in the depths of a totally unrelated thread this morning. If you don't already have these, this is an easy and cheap pick up. These are the folding cup holders that mount to the upper side trim panels in the Lear45 cockpit.


American Tech Folding Boat Cup Holders:

Ron 1108


Here it is in action mounted to the pilot's side upper trim panel!

Ron 1109


When you go to the website you will see there are three colors to choose from. I did some research on the color that these little folding cup holders should be. Hands down, in over 90% of our known reference photos show they are black. For the record, I found a white one and what looked like a gray one too.


The website has all three of those color options: BLACK, WHITE and GRAY.


Here is a link where you can get a couple: