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Advice on Buying Real Parts for your Build

(Original thread started on 02-11-14 by Shane Barnes)

Most of you that have been around awhile know that I like to use some real parts and while looking for parts that I need, I occasionally come across parts that I think other guys might be interested in. I've gained some insight in buying parts and wanted to share with our newer members and future members who might read this later. So you old guys, this is old info for you but might help out some of our newer guys.


First, if you like real parts do some research prior to buying. What might seem to be a good deal may cause you more headaches. I've bought a few parts in the past that I thought would work in my build only to find that was not the case . . they make nice decorations once you find they won't work. If you are interested in using real parts ask some of the guys who have been around awhile. I am sure they are like me and would give you good advice that might save you some money. Some real parts fit right into our builds and believe me, some don't. And that is money wasted.


Second, back lit panels. Panels from Eric and Ron will work together, same voltage, paint color etc. so you are ensured that they will look good and work good. Real Lear 45 back lit panels use 5v which is different from what we use in our builds which is 12v. Also be cautious when buying panels from other sources, sometimes they might not be back lit or might say that they are back light-able. I have also seen some panels out there that look like what we use at first glance but if you take time to look closely you will see some inaccuracies, so if you are a purist like many of us here take the time to look at a part really well. If you are not sure get in touch with one of us to take a look at it.


Get to know the Lear really well. Take the time to study photos of the cockpit. Search the Internet for all the photos of the Lear45 cockpit you can find, save them and study them. This way you will be familiar with the different components in the cockpit in case you do see them for sale somewhere. Some components look very similar from one aircraft to another at first glance so take time to look closely before buying.


There are quite a few real parts we can use in our builds but you want to make sure you get the parts that will work and hopefully get them at a reasonable price. Remember we are here to help so if you have questions or not sure about a part ask one of us. Between all of us here we can give you some good advice.


(Posted by Randy Buchanan on 02-12-14)

Good to know Shane. Most of the time I end up buying parts from you that way I can have someone the blame when I screw them up. Not! Shane is right. I ask the club if something will work, because that is one of functions of the club. Another function is to ask if anyone knows where to find stuff and sometimes we will know or at least tell you where we got our parts. Most of us look at eBay now and then, some of us are better at that, but if you find something there post it. Like I found a "what ever" and you can bet you will get input back.