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Roel's interfacing topic

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One thing still bothering me in my developed Avionics code, is the NAV screen with the display of waypoints being connected with lines.

In the Airmanager script I (mis)used an option to display a moving map but then without the actual map but with a black background displaying waypoint, airports etc.  But this way I only could show or not show items on the map, connecting lines were an issue because I have no map coordinates to connect them to.

So I am working on another solution to create this NAV map.
The way to go is a so called vector map.
This is a created map where I can use lat and lon coordinates to show things.

I found this very complex at the beginning, very mathematical.
But with help from a guy I know on discord and ChatGPT it is starting to look like something.


The map still isn't moving yet, but my goal was to be able to create a map and put accurate coordinates on it.
So , I can move forward and see if I can create an actual NAV map.


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Ron Rollo has reacted to this post.
Ron Rollo

Hi Roel,

I am glad to see you taking this challenge on because I know it bugged you the way you had it working, or actually, not working prior.  Great work so far and looking forward to seeing it working in the near future.  We always say, "Where there is a will, there is a way!"

On a side note, I went back and looked again at one of your videos, (post #79) on August 22nd 2022.  Your sim looks fantastic and I like your reversion solution.  Very responsive as you would expect.

However, at the end of the video where you select "OFF", both DU1 and DU2 turn off.  According to the books, only DU2 should turn off, not both.  See snap shot from the 2012 Lear40/45 Pilot Training Guide:

"OFF- Turns off DU2"

In other words, DU1 which displays the captain's PFD should remain on.  This should be an easy fix for you!  Easy for me to say being that I don't know the first thing about writing code.

But the rest of us can help guys like you and Jason by pointing things like this out.  As a group, we should be able to catch discrepancies like this and fix them in a timely manor.  (I guess this one slipped by all of us!) LOL

I watched this video back when you first posted it in 2022 but for some reason, I didn't catch this discrepancy until today, obviously no one else did either.  We all need to try to do a better job and REALLY pay attention to each others videos because what ends up happening newer guys see it and before you know it, this is how the real aircraft works in their minds and they start replicating the discrepancy thinking it's correct.  We have seen this happen a few times before, even I have fallen victim to this.

And in the end, we all end up with the most correct and realistic Lear45 sim possible!

Great work Roel!

Ah.. thanks Ron

My entire display switching failed the other day.
I just fixed that.

Sometimes when I update the code of these displays the guuid is changed as well and the display mechanism fails then.

I forget to adjust this sometimes.
These things happen to me, I change something on one side in the code and somethings breaks on the other side. :S

But thanks for the notice!
This is indeed an easy fix .
And you are right, things should work as designed!

Ron Rollo has reacted to this post.
Ron Rollo

Hi Roel,

I get it now, that makes sense!  The tiny bit I know about code writing that is the one thing I do know, a little change in one place of the code can effect something else somewhere else.

You used a word/term I have never heard of before, "guuid".  I had to look it up to see what you were talking about and found a definition for it HERE

"A "Globally Unique Identifier" is known as a GUID. A GUID is a "Globally Unique ID" also called a UUID (Universally Unique ID). Anytime you need an identity that is sure to stand out from the crowd, you can use it. Let's discuss this briefly about GUI."

I have never heard of this term.  It makes sense to use something like this as described in the full definition because the DUs are interchangeable and need their own identity to know where they should be displayed at any given moment.   Either way, it's another learning experience for me and others following this thread!

Thanks for sharing this explanation with us Roel!

Hi Roel,

Great job!

It’s been fascinating watching you build your own “better mousetrap”. I always find it amazing what we can do with little initial knowledge but a great desire (or need) for.  With this desire/need, plus a good book, YouTube and a little belief that you can do it, I think we can do many things. Just looking at what I’ve learned to do because of this “mousetrap” that we are building I wouldn’t have even imagined myself doing 30 years ago!  The answers are out there, all we got to do is find them, as you have been doing..

I am not clear regarding maps: You have digital maps with general lat/long already on them but missing aviation waypoints, or do you have maps that don’t have any type of digital lat/long or waypoints on them.

To add aviation waypoints to a geo referenced map would be a big task, but doable over time.

To geo reference a whole map from scratch would be a huge task to do yourself.

I know there are sources out there who sell lat/long geo referenced digital maps for not a lot of money (comparatively) but to buy one with anything aviation on it is expensive.

Ron Rollo has reacted to this post.
Ron Rollo

Hi Will

It is true what you say, I am also amazed at what we can do these days building a thing like a home cockpit.
This wasn't possible 10 years ago, or at least very expensive.
And all the info is easy to access also nowadays.

Well , in the AM API there is a moving map feature available which uses Open Streets maps in different versions.
This is nice to show a map , and you can easily show things like airports.

But the API calculates where on this moving map a thing like an Airport is to be.
You cannot say plot a dot at location lat x and lon y.
This is too bad.

There are indeed sites where you can download geographical data.
A fellow AM user downloaded this, but you have to change the data file into a .json file which AM can read.
Somehow he had done this and provided me these.
.. not sure how he did it... but i can't believe he manually edit it all.
This is fun, it covers the entire earth and you can use the lat /lon coordinates here because it is all build up with their coordinates!!

But for the use I need it for this was not suitable; zooming and centering is hard... or I don't understand it.. 😉
I need only a NAV display.
So what I made is I calculate on my MFD screen which is 500x650 pixels the center for the current lat/lon position so it puts an aircraft symbol on the center.
From this center I calculate offsets from the center (with a formula which I got with ChatGPT) to plot the surrounding things like waypoint etc. according to a scale I want.

This seems to work ok, but I am still developing all this.


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